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Which composite fillings are safe??????
pinkfloyd Views: 3,526
Published: 21 y

Which composite fillings are safe??????

I have finally convinced my Dad to help me get these fillings out after informing him that my teeth are ticking because of the electrical charges they produce.

I found a dentist that has composite fillings called, "homeomolars". They contain titanium dioxide, silica, amorphus??? Are these as unsafe as they sound?

What kind of composite fillings should I get, and if the best ones are not available, what are the alternatives? I've heard that the best fillings are made of zirconium oxide. Is that true?

I have finally convinced my Dad to help me get these fillings out after informing him that my teeth are ticking because of the electrical charges they produce.

I found a dentist that has composite fillings called, "homeomolars". They contain titanium dioxide, silica, amorphus??? Are these as unsafe as they sound?

What kind of composite fillings should I get, and if the best ones are not available, what are the alternatives? I've heard that the best fillings are made of zirconium oxide. Is that true?


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