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Stevia, lemon, cinnamon, distilled water

Original Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Original Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark Cleanses

catawba Views: 3,212
Published: 20 y

Stevia, lemon, cinnamon, distilled water

There really is such a thing as Sugar addiction. I can go 4 or 5 days without Sugar water, but it is all but impossible to give up cola. I have discovered that cinnamon with Stevia lemonade helps a lot and it will always be my biggest liquid from here on out.

I tell everyone I know about Stevia. I wish I had known about it years ago. Stevia also exposes the federal government for the corporate whores they are. Can you imagine something hundreds of times sweeter than Sugar that cannot even have sweetener on the label. And its safety has been proven over the centuries and it cannot be used in mass produced foods.

Does anyone plant Stevia? Tips on growing-

Tips on cooking with Stevia-

Paraquay website under construction dedicated to Stevia. From here you'll be able to buy Stevia seeds, plants and leaves online-


There really is such a thing as sugar addiction. I can go 4 or 5 days without sugar water, but it is all but impossible to give up cola. I have discovered that cinnamon with Stevia lemonade helps a lot and it will always be my biggest liquid from here on out.

I tell everyone I know about Stevia. I wish I had known about it years ago. Stevia also exposes the federal government for the corporate whores they are. Can you imagine something hundreds of times sweeter than sugar that cannot even have sweetener on the label. And its safety has been proven over the centuries and it cannot be used in mass produced foods.

Does anyone plant Stevia?


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