19 y
Re: who can tell me what exactly is the problem with 'sulphered' dried fruit?
Dried fruits are sulphered to preserve the natural colour. This preservation is far from "natural" so I stay clear. What effects, if any, sulphered fruits have on the body I do not know.
I tasted a dried apricot once, out of sheer curiosity...never again!
I did manage to stumble across the following, though, which is interesting for at least two reasons:
"The standard molasses available in grocery stores, e.g., Grandma's, is made from sugarcane that hasn't been refined to crystal yet. Blackstrap molasses is a by-product of sugar refining, and is darker, less sweet and has a slightly bitter flavor; definitely an acquired taste, and won't lend quite the same character to baked goods, so consider using it in recipes an experiment. Some blackstrap is "industrial grade" and is used in things like livestock feed. I don't think I've ever had sulphered molasses (Grandma's is unsulphered), but, obviously, it has sulpher added, which I believe gives it a slightly sharp taste."
I am sorry I can not be of more help to you...