Re: i hope this isn't a stupid question
Breatharian Wiley Brooks says his earliest memories were as a baby in his highchair wondering why adults put things called food in his and thier mouths. He wanted to tell them to stop putting food in his mouth because he knew even then, he was a breatharian! Good cellular memories. Babies live underwater in placenta fluid filled sacks and are fed dermally throught the placenta sack water and thru a umbilical cord. A baby breastfeeds as a transition from aqua underwater living to an independent land being adapted to breathing cosmic oceanic water and air, prana. Suckling is an ungulate mammal feeding adaptation stage for earth land living. And if the mom is healthy, the breast fluids feed certain glands the baby uses in transition.
Like a tadpole grows lungs from gills once it emerges from aqua underwater living to land and air living. (eating flies/food is the subject here)
If a breatharian mom and a breatharian dad had a baby, adaptability says the baby would be born with better ability to prana feed, unclogged glandular development and maybe smaller intestines. I would feed the baby lots of love, harmonics, etc and less clogging stuff like similac or non human fat or animal pus aka cows milk.
I believe some so called immortals, alien greys, shapeshifters etc were genetic codes, beings, who generationally survived the ice age and subsisted only on ginsing roots, hence via adaptation they had big heads, were brainy, with skinny little bodies, and developed supernal, supernatural adaptive alternative glands from being free of food congestion. Other so called immortals, breatharians, really interesting gland retained people seem to have genetic codes and memory from other more loving places, ie., distant stars etc. Geneticists say 90% of the human gene, genome code is junk code, maybe the junk code was, is caused by eating food?
This link, breatharian physiology has a second link, FOOD CHOICES in it, that explains food choices are to be used like medicine, to correct consciousness, and in the 2nd FOOD CHOICES page/link, at the end of page there is a 3rd link to FOOD SPIRITS page explanation.
link below: