Other breatharians
In the press and in esoteric publications, we can find reports of quite a few examples of breatharians:
According to the Rosicrucian Digest, June 1959, a person by the name of Balayogini Sarasvati of Amma, India, lived on water only for a period of more than three years.
It was reported by Hilton Hotema of Health Research that Marie Frutner, a Bavarian girl, lived on water without food for 40 years and was under observation for a time in Munich in 1835.
Judah Mehler, Grand Rabbi, 1660-1751, ate and drank sparingly one day a week, broke his ‘fast’ about twelve times a year on Jewish holidays, led a busy life as Rabbi of three communities and lived to be 91, according to Ripley’s Believe It or Not.
Dr. T.Y. Gan, according to Jones H. B. et al, Am. J. Cancer, 40:243-50, 1940, gave the following report on Yand Mel, age 20, who hasn’t eaten for the last 9 years: She shows no signs of starvation, leads a perfectly normal life except for having lost [the] desire for food. Her alimentary tract has become dormant and rudimentary; she takes no water.
Caribala Dassi, sister of Babulamboxer, pleader of Purillia, has been living for the past 40 years without taking any food or water and has done regular household duties with no apparent injury to her health, as per India’s Message, 1932.
Danalak Shumi of Marcara, India, age 18, for over one year took no food or water. She leads a normal healthy life. At age 14, her appetite diminished until she could not assimilate anything. The Indian Government sent her to be examined at the Bangalore General Hospital according to the Bombay Press. August 1953.
Teresa Avila, a Bavarian peasant, born 1898, has taken no food nor water and does not sleep since 1926. She is not thin nor sickly, works in her garden and is described by "Aberee 1960" as one of the happiest persons.