what is breatharianism?
32. What is breatharianism? Is it a necessary part of the Immortal pathway?
Everyone who is alive breathes the air. As long as you are breathing, you can count yourself as being on the pathway of everlasting life.
As individuals advance upon their immortal journeys they almost always refine their diets as they go along. Some immortals eat food and sleep, others don't. Breatharians don't eat anything material, although they still drink water. Water is not a source of nutrition, but is like the oil you put in your car. Food is the gasoline, or petrol, and serves a function different from water.
If you are interested in becoming a Breatharian, there is no short-cut. Spend a few years being a vibrant, healthy vegetarian first. Then go to raw foods. After that, see if you can thrive on only fruits for a few years. It's really only at that point that you might begin to approach breatharianism.There are some people who are very advanced spiritually, but have terrible diets. There are other people who have very refined diets, but are totally unbalanced in their spiritual lives. Try to advance both aspects in a balanced way. Above all else, do not try to attract attention to yourself by claiming you are on a superior diet. It's best kept as part of your private life.
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hope this helps,
Ami Joi Benton