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hydrogen peroxide or other oxygen therapies
stockwiz Views: 3,022
Published: 22 y

hydrogen peroxide or other oxygen therapies

I am just wondering if anyone has tried oxygenating therapies to treat this disorder. I am starting an oral hydrogen peroxide therapy as soon as I get the 35% food grade in the mail for various symptoms that lead me to believe, from what I've researched, that my body could use a boost in it's oxygen levels. If the medical establishment in the United States condemns it, chances are I'll give it a try. If you haven't researched the benefits of hydrogen peroxide I suggest you do, because man has been consuming it through food and water all through evolutionary history in small yet still beneficial amounts. Modern processing techniques have stripped this chemical from our foods and drinking water. Our body manufactures it's own supply of this hydrogen peroxide to help fight pathogens, but naturally supplementation would help things out.

There are NO beneficial organisms in the human body which are anaerobic. Bacteria in the intestines that help with food digestion are aerobic in nature, and thrive in extra oxygen, thus this therapy makes since and contrary to popular medical opinion is not harmful to the body at all when the proper dilution is used. Raising oxygen levels that may have been in a downward spiral from excess numbers of anaerobic pathogens is the one sure fire way to prevent these same pathogens from simply growing right back when they are killed off some other way.

Hydrogen peroxide, along with ozone, are the two primary substances, that work in tandom, to purify this planet. Ozone is produced by lightning and a reaction between UV radiation and oxygen, and freshens the air by oxydizing and neutralizing chemicals and other harmful agents in the air. It is that fresh air smell you get after a thunderstorm, when the lightning and rain infused with hydrogen peroxide purify and freshen up everything around.

Hydrogen peroxide is very easily formed when ozone comes into contact with water. The ozone loses the extra oxygen atom to the water molecule, forming hydrogen peroxide, which kills and neutralizes anaerobic living organisms and other harmful chemicals by shedding the extra oxygen molecule, leaving a dead organism and pure water as the byproduct. It will also react with other substances and destablize leaving water and free oxygen as byproducts, increasing oxygen levels in the liquid it happens to be in. This will cause a general killing off of anaerobic organisms that otherwise were able to live in the liquid before.. that is the purpose of oxygen therapy.

Ozone purifys air, and hydrogen peroxide purifys the water and soil... and so it has been this way since the beginning of the earth. I've said enough here.. if you haven't done research on hydrogen peroxide, I suggest doing so... I believe it to be one of the biggest medical substances that is available today.. of course, I guess my testing will either validate that theory or shovel it to the grave.. I'll keep you posted. ;)

AND REMEMBER... if you get flulike symptoms, it's a good thing.. it means the hydrogen peroxide has found something to kill off.. just make sure you drink your water to flush out the toxins and after effects.


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