purpose of each gallbladder cleanse ingredient listed here
Are you curious and wonder why am I drinking this wierd potion?
I was so I researched it, thought you might be interested as well.
source of most of this info:
first the function of bile:
Neutralises acid
breaks down fat
it is a natural laxitive
Apple juice:
Malic acid in juice cleanse the live because it is a solvent for bile
Lemon juice:
The bile will rush out to neutralise the acid
Olive oil:
The bile will rush out to help digest the fat.
Epsum salt:
To open up the bile ducts.
Since olive oil and lemons encourage the bile to flow, I would
include them in my diet on a regular basis.
I plan to use the lemon/olive oil drink after my candida and allergies
are under control. I am currently allergic to both olive oil and lemons.
recipe for lemon olive oil drink: