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Re: How much more hopeful is alternative medicine to "traditional medicine"?
golfegg Views: 4,782
Published: 19 y
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Re: How much more hopeful is alternative medicine to "traditional medicine"?

Look there is no difference between one cancer from another, only the locations. They all love low oxygen environments, and so they can all be oxidized. The location of the tumors depends on the body's way of handeling the toxins. Some bodies deposit the toxins in fat, some at nurve endings, some in the brain, and some in the skin. The places are endless just about. It happens one of the first places the body deposits toxins is in the skin, because it's a place that's far away from the vital organs.
Cancer is not a disease, it's a survival mechanism for the body. It's trying to contain something harmful from the rest of the body.
Have you heard of people with heart cancer? (actually in the heart)I've heard there have been a couple of cases, but could never verify it. But the reason for that is because the heart has the highest oxygen content out of any where else in the body. It just so happens the skin is an easy place to observe the tumors at too. It's also an easy place to get to.
Ozone can easily penetrate the skin. H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) can too. I have cured age spots with ozone. I have almost, and will eventually cure varicose veins with H2O2. I have cured athletes foot, and some kind of rash with ozone.
An ozone generator can cost between $120-$2,000, the better route. H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) costs about 90 cents a quart, the cheaper route.
It also just happens my wife cured her cancer using ozone and juicing. Here is her story. // Also here is some info on ozone you can check out. I know for a fact, if you can put a funnel over the area where the tumor is, ozone will cure it. Anyway, I just wrote someone that's a member in here (naturalman) to see if he's having any progress with his "cancer in the left arm." He couldn't afford a generator, so he's trying H2O2.
I would get rid of all the supplements you were talking about, and invest in a generator, and juicer. Go simple like you said. The only supplements I would get are something like Dr. Schulze 's, that clean and supply the body with what it needs to beat this. So about $399 for the generator, $300 for the juicer, and about $80 for the Dr. Schulze stuff. If you can't afford that substitute H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) for the generator, and get what ever else you can afford. If you can only afford one, get the H2O2. Spray it on after taking a hot shower.
Remember the reason for the cancer is too much garbage in your body. So you have to get rid of that if you don't want the cancer returning. Also change your diet, so no more garbage is getting into your body.
You can beat this though! You only have one location, and it's an easy place to get to. My wife had 5 locations, and they were internal.
Take Care,


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