My Husbands Lung Cancer Treatment
I thought I would share my husbands lung cancer healing regime here in case it helps anyone. I am fortunate enough to work as the assistant of a Raw Food Diet author and have access to consultations with some pretty amazing people. This is the plan we have out together. He has been doing this for 44 days now with great improvement!
Green juice fast ( carrot, collard, kale,
Celery and apple - all organic)
Occasional organic apple or sliced cucumber and tomato
Daily walks and sun on skin
Deep breathing
Lobelia Tincture (cleans out lungs and is a great relaxant)
Living Green food powder
Therapeutic enzymes ( these break down the heard outer covering on tumors as well as cleanses, lower your acidity and add oxygen)
Essiac tea
Liver and colon cleanse
Before this course of action he was in terriblepain and unable to sleeporlie on his back. Now he sleeps through the night flat on his back and is in way less pain. I will report back in the future.