Re: merury and breastfed baby
How old is your baby? I think you should determine if the mercury your baby is now/could be experiencing is worse than the temporary problems with the removal. My dentist told me about 10% of the mercury released during removal that I would potentially absorb might be passed on to my daughter. I'm sure that's just a rough guess, but the point is your baby is getting whatever percentage now.
Only you can decide whether or not to continue to breastfeed and whether or not to get the
Amalgam removed. Breastmilk has always contained traces of the toxins in our bodies and they have always been passed on to the baby. Has your baby been vaccinated? If not then he/she is one step ahead of the game. If they have already been exposed to mercury through vaccinations, you may want to consider the burden they already have of trying to detox from the poisons in the vaccinations.
I am still breastfeeding but my daughter is 33 months old so of course she is not taking in as much milk as a newborn. Also she has never been vaccinated and has always been extremely healthy. I decided to go ahead and have my
Amalgams removed (all of them in the last three weeks!). I have not experienced any problems myself and I'm confident it was the right decision given the fact that as long as I felt like crap my daughter was certainly taking in toxins and poisons. I'm confident that by getting my mouth cleaned up (I still have to have an extraction on a tooth that has been abscessed for several years) my immune system will improve dramatically and I will continue to pass on the benefits of the best food in the world to my child.
I think it would be a shame to gamble on weaning when your child will need your breastmilk to deal with all of the toxic burdens on their system throughout their life, but your instincts will tell you whether or not the risk is too great.
Good luck!