Cancer, What is it really?
Hi Ya'll,
Ohh! Ahhh! This is a Hot subject!
Let us consider the possibilities and see if we may relate to something else which will help us see what cancer really may be.
Consider when you have gotten a nice big fat Turkey for Thanksgiving and fixed it all up with all the trimmings in a big pan or pot and cooked it till ready to eat.
Then if you ate it all up that same day with the help of some friends of course, and cleaned up all of the dishes and then the next year repeated it all over again, starting out with a fresh turkey and all fresh clean trimmings and clean pots and pans and clean dishes etc..
So each year it is all fresh and done in a clean pan and you are doing it all over again!!
Now suppose you fix this turkey up with all the trimmings and cook it and set it out on the table and instead of eating it all up, you just let it sit on that table for the whole year and the next year and so on.
What would happen to it if you just let it sit on the table and gather flies and worms and maggots and bacteria and fungi and all these creepy crawlly creatures??
Do you suppose at some point that the bacteria and fungi would cause it to decay and grow all over it???
Would it kinda like be Road Kill out on the highway which is left out in the sun and as the day wears on it begins to Ripen and swell up and then it's guts Burst open and it releases this awful stink of rotting flesh with maggots and worms crawling around on and in it!!!
So, as long as you fix a fresh turkey each year in clean pots and pans and serve it on clean dishes. it will be good to eat.
But if you do not supply fresh fixings each year, you might end up with Rotting Road Kill on your table!!
I hope this has been graphic enough to catch your attention!!!
Now consider your body and it's many different organs and parts which need a fresh supply of energy each day.
What would happen to your body if, it does not get the necessary fresh supply of energy it needs each day, but is left with year old Rotting Putrified Waste to function with??
Is it possible that Cancer is just a lack of fresh energy of the necessary kinds needed to replace the used up energy from the different organs of the body which have not recieved fresh energy??
Is it possible that cancer is just a pile of Putrified Growing Waste which the body has not been able to dispose of because there was no new food energy to replace it, and thus it just sits and gets worse and worse ??
Could it be as simple as just a lack of necessary Mineralized nutrients which are lacking in your Diet??
Smile Tis your choice.