Re: there is only one way...
yes there is a wheatgreass forum. i like to discuss this on this forum sometimes because wheatgrass is the ultimate cancer killer and i wish more people with cancer would use it.
there are very slight differences between the grass you see out your window and the grass you grow inside. they are all grass and they all have similar benefits. the main thing is the chlorophyl. it is the ulitmate blood purifier. and it CANNOT be bottled or processed in any way. it starts to die the instant it is cut. bottled chlorophyl is maybe .01% of the potency of fresh wheatgrass. and all grasses are rich in chlorophyl. also the wild grasses are actually hybridized by nature to be tough and hearty. i mean these things survive the freakin winter! how many other plants can do that? and they can push up a piece of concrete! now thats power! the root system you speak of is important also, because the wild grass has a long and far reaching root system which means it draws nutrients from deep inthe ground compared to the counter top wheatgrass which has a few
inches of roots.
anyone contemplating a natural wholistic approach to cancer treatment, or anything else for that matter, cannot go wrong with adding wheatgrass to your regimine.
i have a question regarding yhour wheatgrass set up, so i will pose it in the wheatgrass forum. look for it there.