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Re: small intestine cancer

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kathryn101 Views: 2,553
Published: 19 y
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Re: small intestine cancer

Hi todd...I don't have time for a good post this morning...but I just wanted to
give you something to think about and research.

The things above may or may not help your dad. But this I 'do' know. Your dad
needs a whole body cleansing and healing before any of the supplements, etc are
going to do much good. And those things can be done fairly simply with juicing.

Read the book beloved mentioned (Cancer Battle Plan)...also check out the Hallelujah
Acres Website this program is unbelievable.

A good natural diet and lifestyle are crucial to his healing. He needs to get all the bad foods out of his diet. Eat and drink only those foods that are healing.
Do deep breathing...just type that in the 'curezone search' above + kathryn...and
you'll find where I've explained it. Wish I had time to really give detail now.

He really needs a juicer and I recommend the Champion juicer...costs about $200 in
our area. Health food stores carry them...and they can be bought on ebay for under
$100, usually. He needs to be juicing carrots...and getting 64 ounces of that juice
daily...freshly made each time he drinks it. There are other things...but if you
don't know anything about natural will all sound greek to you. I hope
you will read the book above...also order "God's Way To Ultimate Health"...either
from ebay, Amazon or from Hallelujah Acres...those books tell how our bodies get so deficient that cancer can take hold...and they tell us what we need to do to turn
it all around.

Your first step...if you're new to natural to get familiar with what
natural healing's a whole body healing from top to bottom...inside
and out.

HOWEVER dad absolutely CAN cure his cancer if he's willing to work at it.
todd...also call Hallelujah Acres tomorrow and ask for their free magazine..."Back
To The Garden"'s just full of stories by people who have cured their own cancers without help from any using the program. Hallelujah Acres is
located in Shelby NC...and if it's possible that you and your dad could go there
for the free monthly would be well worth your time. Call for the
free magazine tomorrow....800-915-9355...tell them you need it as soon as possible...that your dad is battling cancer.

If you're new to natural healing...there is just so much to tell you...and I've got
to get to church...Sunday is my busiest day. But while you're researching...check
out the Dr Schulze website and read his incurables program...that will give you a
little insight to what natural healing is.

Your dad needs to immediately start liquid aloe vera...and I order ours from Aloe
Master in Texas...just type that in and do a search. That is priceless for especially tummy and esophagual cancers...and only costs about $30...but he will
need the healthy Diet and lifestyle along with it.

The main thing to know is that during this time...he will have to 'eat to live'
instead of living to eat..which we all like to do.

I'll be talking to you later on...but in the mean some reading on some
of this.

So he is newly diagnosed, Nov or early Dec? How old is your dad?
I'll get back to you or email you personally as soon as I can.
may have to be tomorrow.... kathryn

todd...I forgot to tell you...even though you need the actual "Back To The Garden"
magazine in your hands to can click on 'publications'...and go to
Back To The Garden on that...and then click on issue #29...that
was such a good 'cancer healing' some of their testimonials and
share them with your dad.



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