dear friends,
A close friend of mine last got diagnosed with a brain tumor.They operated and removed a good deal of it.Today the Dr. told my friend that it is cancer and asked her family if she took any vitamins in which the family responded yes.The genius Dr. then told her family to throw out all her vitamins because that is why the tumor is growing.It just amazes me how medical drs who have a maximmum of 2 hours in nutrition in med school can say this, do you want to know why, well it just proved my point again that they are one with drug co.s well if she cant take vitamins then she might as well stop eating then right because dont you get vitamins from the food you eat also? My dear friends i have just had enough i want to hear from you, if this doesnt piss you off then i dont know what will. The next person i hear from that tells me they have a brain tumor i will respond as saying treat it as it were cancer dont waste your time with todays drug drs, heres a little fun fact for you all did you know the average life span of a dr is 54 years, keep on taking drugs. take care