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This looks like it could be simple!
-2tuff- Views: 26,237
Published: 20 y
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This looks like it could be simple!

My friend this may be very very simple, it could easily be a WART. My mother had a raised mole (what we thought) for quite some time. The Terminator zapper would remove it every so often but it took a long time. Once I slammed it with a Violet Ray it showed its true identity as a nasty Wart that was very hard to get rid of. It came back and back and uglier/bigger each time. It was amazing to see this mole turn into this nasty wart once I'd flushed it out.

What I would suggest to you right now, rather than rush to a Death promoter, follow Edgar Cayce 's wart method of just using Baking Soda and Castor Oil. Mix it up as the directions given and rub it into the area and a little over the top and cover for the evening, redo if necessary before bed. It may burn a little for a couple of days but its nothing. We destroyed my mothers within 3 weeks this way and it never came back, and the area is now covered with nice pink skin ;-)

Be careful of Death promoters because they claim in many cases a person has Cancer when they do NOT as with poor women and breast cancer. Their tests are geared up to positives and creating cancer (mammograms). They itch to say you've got Cancer or HIV then the big money bucks rolls in making them richer and you dead or damaged.

Try what I said above, I have found nothing better than Edgar Cayce 's method for warts especially the bad persistant ones. You have nothing to loose, try it for 3 weeks at least and see if any differences occur.


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