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Re: milk? Lesser of all Evils....

Clarkia Extra Strong
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canadian yoda Views: 3,271
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 335,710

Re: milk? Lesser of all Evils....


No I don't think my eating habits are that different...I don't think they were that bad before my diagnosis...lots of veggies and salad etc...I did smoke when younger and drank more alcohol but didn't live on fast food etc...I think maybe my job had something to do with it...I have been a flooring installer for 30 years...lots of glue, formaldahyde fumes, chemicals etc everyday...

After reading more about soy milk I am now wondering if there is any kind of milk that is okay...I don't drink milk but do like a little in my tea and my wife uses it for cooking in some recipes etc...someone else further down mentions nut milk...what is this, where can I get it and is it okay...also I have seen rice milk in the that good or bad...Out of all the Milks which is the safest...please don't say none...just want to know the lesser of all evils ...

Thanks Yoda


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