Re: Why is getting healthy so bloody expensive
Dude, I am totally with you. When I first got out of the hospital last year (stage 3 colon cancer), I was spending a small fortune in "healthy" products. I say "healthy" because many were just the opposite.
To start, do not buy a Norwalk. They were great 50 years ago, but today's technology has simplified jucing and reduced the price. Get a masticating juicer that runs a low speed. I have a GreenStar. You can get them for less than $300 if you look around.
For suppliments, you can get quality products from, and other internet dealers. You should be able to run on about $100/month.
For food, don't buy any over-processed "health food", such as soy meats, etc. They are garbage. Buy fresh fruits and vegetables. Not all produce needs to be organic, just the stuff that is heavily sprayed. See the foodnews link below. Also, check out the local farmer's market, or join a co-op.
For the sauna, join the Y. Just don;t use the steam room or hot tub.
Be creative, you don't have to be a millionaire.
Best to you.
Most and least toxic foods.