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Re: Got Cancer? Do this!
northstar Views: 4,954
Published: 20 y
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Re: Got Cancer? Do this!

I believe that God gave you the right foods to feed and heal your body but if you put chemicals in your body from processed foods/drinks then your not following his word. "Food is medicine and medicine is Food"

After doing research on vitamins supplements alot of them are synthetic man made chemicals, so I have switched to super green & fruit food supplements besides organic grocery foods. Just like the people that support ascorbic acid which is made from cornstarch I try to get my vitamin C from a variety of berries like camu and from Rosehips in large quantities. It has everything necessary for your body to digest it compared to ascorbicacid from cornstarch. But I do believe after looking at research that feeding your body vitamin C cancer cells believe that to be Sugar and digest it since they live off sugar.

So yes if you stay off processed foods like sugar,acids etc and change your body host environment to more of alkaline by eating ripe foods that have a lot of minerals/vitamins you will stop cancer from starting or spreading.
Here;'s some info for you, Surving cancer for 14years along with others eating flaxoil with Cottage cheese

The Gerson Clinics in Mexico using the Gerson therapy


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