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Re: Coughing out blood - While using Essiac Tea
-2tuff- Views: 4,311
Published: 20 y
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Re: Coughing out blood - While using Essiac Tea

You don't have to be catching something externally for your symptoms, it can be the extreme die-off caused by whatever treatments you undergo. I know Essiac is powerful because when I first took a small amount after about 1 hour I went very cold indeed and could not get warm even infront of a gas fire for about 2 hours. Please look into Ozone and blood electrification using a Beck device (SOTA ZBB5,Power Pulse Meter, RSG). Eat more lefy greens and foods which contain high levels of natural potassium which will enter tumours and alkalise their acid insides. Also look at Vitamin C which enters inside a tumour as it feeds on it thinking its glucose (same molecular structure) it then does its anti-cancer action by Oxidising the insides and out in a pro-oxidant form when using pharmalogical dosages (30+ grams daily).

Don Donsbach told someone with a brain tumour to drink 5 cups of the Cayenne drink I mentioned daily. He did this and in a short space of time his Tumour had shrunk and if I rememeber it disappeared. Try looking at Donsbach information. I suggest 1-2 cups a day.


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