Re: Cansema works, but it can leave scars.
I think that's great news that you got out those tumours with the Cansema. Before The FDA shut the Cansema labs down , I read many testimonials regarding Cansema ointment. The properties in the Cansema ointement only sought out distored damaged skin cells and left the healthy normal skin cells untouched. If left alone by the FDA it would have been an indespensible tool for cancer surgeons. They could later stitch up any holes the proper way after tumors were "leached out"
One woman in my hometown used it on melanoma skin cancer- which it removed successfully- with no doctor's visits, HMO or other medical costs for radiation, chemo, etc.
It even removed the roots that are attached to the skin tumor, but had no ill side effects. She got the hole stitched after having a biopsy to show no signs of any more cancer cells.
Cansema worked too good against cancer-- which is why the FDA sought an excuse to take it off the market- but yet allow toxic drugs that kill people to remain on the market.