check out this site essense-of-life.com and click on ailments and then cancer,there you will find tons of info about cancer and treatments. i live in new jersey and theres a great holistic dr near by in new york that treats cancer if you are near by let me know.But check out that site there are many alternative ways to treat cancer from cesium to h202 therapy,but in the meantime take your child off all Sugar and chemo is a waist of time i watched my brother die from chemo but i kept him alive before that with alternative ways.The best thing to do is start juicing green veggies try to get organic if you can,also Essiac tea is wonderful cancer fighter make sure the box says rene Caisse name and picture on it.ive been down the same road medical drs know nothing and i mean nothing about alternative medicine all they know is drugs this is your child not theres
good luck and god bless