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Dont get too Excited
anunnaki Views: 1,005
Published: 21 y
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Dont get too Excited

Trust me although they read it and may perform it you will find it difficult to totally relieve them of the establishment programming. I've been there with a 84 year old women whos does Ozone, Colloidal Silver + uses my zapper & Violet Ray occasionally and Nebuliser with Colloidal Silver . Although she does this she still has that Doctor thing still there. SHe will even say how the medical establishment are after profits but when something feels crap DOCTOR DOCTOR. I get fed up of it as when it comes down to it WE KNOW NOTHING still and the Doctor is the most reliable. I know she thinks I take too much Vitamins and its over the top but they cant get it through their thick heads that them dosages are real and needed for optimum health. Against programing of DRUG OVERDOSES which has made them think the same of Vitamins. Yes you could technically overdose on some but gee totally different to drugs. You know what I say F*** EM! This is my attitude now and apart from on here I aint helping anyone else because its a waste of my energy and all they do is bleeding make you try and justify your knowledge against their pathetic attempts to debunk it with lies from the TV and media! I know what Im talking about and if you dont like it then kizz my azz so to speak. Sometimes I've sat there after talking to someone and thought why am I feeling like a liar and made to feel this way? Why am I having to justify things so much with evidence and backing up everything? Especially when you think WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE ANYWAY? Personally now I dont feel I have to back up myself to anyone as I totally hate the system of the Illuminati now and want to be a free spirit. But alas the Anunnaki created us to be a slave and we will always be enslaved by either them, their seeds (Bloodlines) or another human with an ego. Whats the point in justifying yourself all the time with knowledge and evidence to which that very person your informing cant understand anyhow? How can they argue with you on the basics when they cant understand what they are arguing on? SIMPLE WHY JUSTIFY YOURSELF. As you can see im fed up with it and now as long as myself and my mother are on top of this and doing fine, F*** the Rest! The United Kingdom sucks and although the United States has a lock down on medical areas and is so controlled, its the U.S with the greatest Nutritional people like Jon barron, Len Horowitz etc. I will give praise to these and America for them, England and U.K is so stale its incredible!

I hope they can get over their programming but dont bust a gut trying to do this for them. You could get really down with the result if it doesn't work!



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