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An Alternative Cancer Treatment Quiz
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An Alternative Cancer Treatment Quiz

An Alternative Cancer Treatment Quiz
Let's find out what you know about alternative treatments:

Question #1: Dr. Ewan Cameron, and two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling, did studies in Scotland (which were duplicated by studies in Canada and Japan) comparing Vitamin C therapy to chemotherapy. Which group of patients, the ones on vitamin C or chemotherapy, lived longer on average, and by how much?

Question #2: An American alternative cancer treatment doctor treated 33,000 cancer patients, many of whom had been given up for dead by orthodox medicine and had been sent home to die. What was his verified cure rate?

Question #3: Fill in the blank: "In a review of 206 human studies, [which food] consistently emerged as one of the top cancer-fighting foods."

Question #4: How many Nobel Prize discoveries (and when were they awarded) did Dr. Johanna Budwig use to help her develop the Flaxseed Oil (omega 3) / Cottage Cheese (sulphur proteins) cancer treatment?

Question #5: It is absurd to think that a person can be cured of cancer simply by changing their diet. Only professionals can cure cancer. True or false?

Let's answer these questions.

Question #1
Question #1: Dr. Ewan Cameron, and two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling, did studies in Scotland (which were duplicated by studies in Canada and Japan) comparing Vitamin C therapy to chemotherapy. Which group of patients, the ones on vitamin C or chemotherapy, lived longer on average, and by how much?

Answer: The vitamin C patients lived an average of six times longer than the chemotherapy patients. I don't know why anyone would be surprised at this result. Cancer in many cases is nothing but a symptom of a weakened immunity system. Chemotherapy virtually destroys an already weakened immunity system, and it is the immunity system that deals with cancer on a normal basis. On the other hand, Vitamin C helps build the immunity system. It makes sense that someone who has had their immunity system built up would outlive someone who had their immunity system destroyed.

Because Dr. Pauling was world famous, and had an impeccable reputation for quality and integrity, a person might wonder why the orthodox medical community did not do further studies on Vitamin C and cancer. They did do further studies on Vitamin C. But the purpose of these studies was not what you would expect. I will say more about this later in this article.

Question #2
Question #2: An American alternative cancer treatment doctor treated 33,000 cancer patients, many of whom had been given up for dead by orthodox medicine and had been sent home to die. What was his verified cure rate?

Answer: Dr. William Donald Kelley, a dentist by training, had a 93% cure rate. This cure rate was verified by a 5-year study by an orthodox doctor. His technique is called "metabolic" therapy, and guess what, it was designed to build the immunity system.

But what is of even more significance is the answer to this question: "if we factor out all of his patients who went to orthodox doctors before they went to Dr. Kelley, and only counted those who went to Dr. Kelley first, what would his cure rate have been?"

If we assume that his cure rate for patients who went to him first was as high as his cure rate for those of his patients who went to orthodox medicine first, the answer would be that his cure rate would be at least 93%, probably higher!

This is a logical conclusion for three reasons:
First, he used the identical treatment regardless of whether his patient went to him first or orthodox medicine first,
Second, for those patients who went to orthodox medicine first, Dr. Kelley lost a lot of time before he was able to start treating these patients. In other words, he started their treatments after they were further along with their cancer, and
Third, those patients who went to orthodox medicine first had their immunity systems severely compromised before they went to Dr. Kelley, thus Dr. Kelley had to rebuild that portion of their immunity system.

In other words, it is obvsious that if 10,000 new cancer patients, who had not had any orthodox treatments, went to Dr. Kelley first, his overall cure rate for these people would be at least 93%, probably higher! That is far, far higher than the patients who go to orthodox medicine first.

His reward by orthodox medicine for his high cure rate was to be thrown in jail. Kelley also had to move his treatment to Mexico. Fortunately, he has written a book about his treatment: Cancer, Curing The Incurable Without Surgery, Chemotherapy or Radiation and he currently has a web site.

Because Dr. Kelley had such an incredibly high cure rate for cancer, much, much higher than orthodox medicine, you might wonder why the orthodox medical community does not study Dr. Kelley's treatment to see if there are ways to improve it. In other words, why doesn't the orthodox community use Dr. Kelley's treatment in order to obtain a quick and immediate 93% or higher cure rate for new cancer patients, then find ways to improve on it to get even higher cure rates?

Question #3
Question #3: Fill in the blank: "In a review of 206 human studies, [which food] consistently emerged as one of the top cancer-fighting foods."

Answer: Here is the complete quote: "In a review of 206 human studies, carrots consistently emerged as one of the top cancer-fighting foods. The power of carrots lies in the group of pigments called carotenoids (beta-carotene is among this group), which give them their orange color."

While it is nice that scientists have made this discovery, carrots were used to cure cancer long before any of the 206 human studies the quote refers to. Raw vegetable juices, with raw carrots as the main ingredient, coupled with a customized vegan diet, as a replacement for the meat and dairy centered "Western" diet, has cured many, many thousands of people of cancer.

I might add that carrot juice is the main ingredient in the vegetable juice that serves at the heart of the "Raw Food Diet," for which there is an article on this web site.

Question #4
Question #4: How many Nobel Prize discoveries (and when were they awarded) did Dr. Johanna Budwig use to help her develop the Flaxseed Oil (omega 3) / Cottage Cheese (sulphur proteins) cancer treatment?

Answer: Two Nobel Prizes, Dr. Otto Warburg (1931) and Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi (1937). First, Dr. Warburg:

"Dr Otto Warburg, twice Nobel laureate was able to prove that cancer cannot grow in an high oxygen environment. He states: ‘Cancer, above all diseases, has countless secondary causes, but there is only one prime cause: the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of normal oxygen respiration of body cells by anaerobic respiration’. In other words, lack of oxygen. His research revealed that when a cell is denied 60% of its normal requirement of oxygen, it switches to a fermentation mechanism and grows out of control."
Second, Dr. Szent-Gyorgyi:

"Dr. Szent-Gyorgy won the Nobel Prize in 1937 for discovering that essential fatty acids combined with sulphur-rich proteins (such as those found in diary products) increases oxygenation of the body."
Note that both of these Nobel Prizes were awarded in the 1930s. Dr. Budwig developed a diet to combine these two discoveries into one simple treatment plan - flaxseed oil and cottage cheese. Her treatment has cured untold thousands of cancer patients.

Question #5
Question #5: It is absurd to think that a person can be cured of cancer simply by changing their diet. Only professionals can cure cancer. True or false?

Answer: I quote from alternative medicine expert Walter Last:

"To show how simple natural methods can be very effective in overcoming advanced cancer, I like to mention an example from the book The Food and Health of Western Man by Dr J. L. Mount. In five reported cases of bowel cancer, surgery revealed that metastases had already spread all over the body. Therefore, these patients were just closed up again and sent home to die. But instead of doing that, independently of each other, these five changed their diets and from then on ate only homegrown organically raised food. When they finally did die 21 to 30 years later, no traces of cancer could be found in post-mortem examinations. Such cures without medical intervention are regarded as 'spontaneous remissions'."
The vast majority of cancer patients who go into "spontaneous remission" made massive changes in their diet after being diagnosed with cancer.

"A study was done on 200 cancer patients who had experienced "spontaneous remission." Doctors call these remissions "miracles." They're NOT miracles. Here's how they did it. Eighty seven percent of them fundamentally changed their diets - mostly to vegetarian. All of the 200 made changes in their lives including nutritional supplementation and detoxification techniques. What this and other studies are telling us is that cancer can be cured by fundamentally changing the chemistry that created it."
Raymond Francis (
Here is another interesting quote:

"A study of four hundred cancer cases that went into spontaneous remission revealed cures which had little in common. Some people drank grape juice or swallowed massive doses of vitamin C; others prayed, took herbal remedies, or simply cheered themselves on. These very diverse patients did have one thing in common, though. At a certain point in their disease, they suddenly knew, with complete certainty, that they were going to get better, as if the disease were merely a mirage, and the patient suddenly passed beyond it into a space where fear and despair and all sickness were nonexistent."
While it is true that many people go into spontaneous remission by dramatically changing their diet and attitude, imagine what would happen if newly diagnosed cancer patients were told:
1) What foods contained the most cancer-killing nutrients,
2) What foods contained the best nutrients to build the immune system,
3) What foods feed cancer cells and thus cause the cancer to grow faster (these are foods to avoid),
4) The best supplements to kill cancer cells and build the immunity system, and they were told
5) What things in a person's life can damage a natural treatment plan (e.g. chlorine in tap water)?

For example, changing to a vegan diet would not necessarily cure cancer, but going on a selective vegan diet and eating only the vegetables and fruits known to contain large amounts of cancer killing nutrients, and avoiding foods that feed the cancer, and avoiding foods that interfere with the effectiveness of the cancer-fighting foods, would yield a much higher cure rate than any orthodox treatment, even better than Vitamin C therapy. But alternative medicine can do much better than even this selective vegan protocol.

An Orthodox Cancer Treatment Quiz
Now let's test your knowledge of orthodox medicine. First, we need to define a term:

Definition: total life The length of time between the diagnosis of cancer and the death of the cancer patient, whether it is death by cancer, death by cancer treatment or death by any other cause. This is also called "survival time."

Question #1: Chemotherapy and radiation put people into "remission." Putting people into remission proves that the "total life" (see above definition) of a person is significantly increased by using chemotherapy and radiation. True or false?

Question #2: If a cancer patient lives 5 years after diagnosis, orthodox medicine considers that they are "cured" of cancer. Is this concept mathematically equivalent to the concept of "total life?"

Question #3: The FDA would never approve a chemotherapy drug unless it was scientifically proven, beyond any doubt, that the drug significantly extends the "total life" of a cancer patient. True or false?

Question #4: Among the thousands of scientific studies on chemotherapy, there is massive scientific evidence that chemotherapy extends the "total life" of cancer patients compared to those who refuse all treatment. True or false?

Question #5: Orthodox proponents claim that for some kinds of cancer, "cure rates" have gone up over the past 10 or 20 years. They claim this is just another proof that orthodox treatments are superior to alternative treatments. Do you agree?

Now the answers.

Question #1
Question #1: Chemotherapy and radiation put people into "remission." Putting people into remission proves that the "total life" (see above definition) of a person is significantly increased by using chemotherapy and radiation. True or false?

Answer: People equate the concept of "remission" with the concept of "cure." Technically, "remission" means nothing more than one or more of the symptoms of the cancer are gone (e.g. destroying a tumor may put a cancer patient into "remission"). However, even if a tumor is destroyed, for example, and the person is judged to be in "remission," there still may be many areas of concentrated cancer cells in the body. Thus a person can still have potentially damaging areas of cancer in their body and they can still be considered to be in "remission."

There has never been scientific proof that the treatment of symptoms generally relates to a longer "total life." In other words, there has never been scientific proof that the concept of removing "symptoms" and the concept of increasing "total life" are related. Indeed, the "total life" of cancer patients has barely changed in over 80 years in spite of many improvements in treating symptoms.

Furthermore, while many people do go into remission, for some types of cancer more than 90% of the people that go into remission will come out of remission (which is called "regression") and will later die of cancer. "Total Life" has to do with the eventual death of the patient, not the treatment of the symptoms of cancer. Consider this quote:

"Ovarian cancer is usually detected at an advanced stage and, as such, is one of the deadliest and most difficult cancers to treat. Therapy can eradicate the tumors, but most patients relapse within two years ... Normally, when a woman is diagnosed with ovarian cancer, she undergoes surgery to have the tumors removed. The ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus and parts of the bowel are often removed as well. Chemotherapy follows the surgery, and about 90 percent of patients then go into remission, a period of "watchful waiting." "The problem is that over the next five to 10 years, as many as 90 percent of women will relapse and die," says Berek. When the cancer returns in other surrounding tissue, it is more virulent and resistant to chemotherapy."
taken from:
Of course the "returning" cancer is more deadly than the original cancer, the person's immunity system was destroyed while treating the symptoms of the first cancer. The cancer may never have left the patient. Once chemotherapy has damaged the immunity system, the patient is left far more vulnerable to cancer.

Question #2
Question #2: If a cancer patient lives 5 years after diagnosis, orthodox medicine considers that they are "cured" of cancer. Is this concept mathematically equivalent to the concept of "total life?"

Answer: It is assumed that the concept of "cure" (meaning patients who survive 5 years after diagnosis), is equivalent to the concept of "total life." Consider two car manufacturing companies, Company B and Company G. Let us define the "total life" of the cars these companies manufacture to be the number of miles the cars drive before the engine dies permanently and has to be replaced. Suppose the "total life" of Company B cars is 100,000 miles and suppose the "total life" of the Company G cars is 300,000 miles.

Clearly, Company G makes far superior automobiles. How can the Company B executives make it appear that their car engines are as good as the engines made by Company G? They can lie with statistics.

For example, what if Company B did a study of what percent of Company B car engines and what percent of Company G car engines were still running after 30,000 miles? Both companies would look very good and you could not tell them apart. But if the study were based on what percent of Company B car engines and what percent of Company G car engines were still running after 250,000 miles, the truth about the inferiority of Company B car engines would be obvious.

If the "benchmark" is carefully chosen to be well below the average, any company will look good.

That is exactly how orthodox medicine lies with statistics. A "cure rate" based on a patient living 5 years is like the engine test after 30,000 miles - it is meaningless. The benchmark is way too low. "Cure rates" should be based on "total life" and nothing else. For example, some cancers are very slow growing. The "cure rate" for these cancers is very high, when in fact a 15-year "cure rate" would show just how poor treatments are for some of these types of cancers.

Question #3
Question #3: The FDA would never approve a chemotherapy drug unless it was scientifically proven, beyond any doubt, that the drug significantly extends the "total life" of a cancer patient. True or false?

Answer: The FDA has never approved a chemotherapy drug that was shown to significantly increase the "total life" of a cancer patient. Chemotherapy drugs are approved based on the treatment of the symptoms of cancer, not on "total life" rates. The effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs is generally based on how well a new drug does treating symptoms, compared only to how other chemotherapy drugs do treating this same symptom!!

Furthermore, when a chemotherapy drug is approved for "extending life," the approval is also based on comparing one chemotherapy drug (or combination of drugs) to another chemotherapy drug (or combination of drugs).

Once they got their first chemotherapy drug approved (to treat symptoms), then all future drugs can be approved by comparing them to earlier drugs for either "extending life" or treating symptoms.

Never, never, never, has a chemotherapy drug been approved by a study comparing the use of the drug on one group of patients, and comparing this group to a group of patients who refused treatments (in an FDA filing), nor has a study ever been done comparing chemotherapy to one of the top alternative cancer treatments (in an FDA filing).

"We have a multi-billion dollar industry that is killing people, right and left, just for financial gain. Their idea of research is to see whether two doses of this poison is better than three doses of that poison."
Dr Glen Warner, M.D. oncologist
Now a person might think that it would be unethical to compare a chemotherapy drug to those who refuse treatments. If a person were secretly given a placebo, perhaps that would be unethical. However, there are plenty of people who voluntarily refuse to subject themselves to orthodox treatments who could be used in a study to compare a chemotherapy treatment plan to those who refuse treatment!!

Question #4
Question #4: Among the thousands of scientific studies on chemotherapy, there is massive scientific evidence that chemotherapy extends the "total life" of cancer patients compared to those who refuse all treatment. True or false?

Answer: The next quote answers this question:

Professor Hardin B. Jones, PhD stated:

"My studies have proved conclusively that untreated cancer victims live up to four times longer than treated individuals. If one has cancer and opts to do nothing at all, he will live longer and feel better than if he undergoes radiation, chemotherapy or surgery ..."
Prof Jones. (1956 Transactions of the N.Y. Academy of Medical Sciences, vol 6)
see also:
Now consider this quote:

"In 1975, the respected British medical journal Lancet reported on a study which compared the effect on cancer patients of (1) a single chemotherapy, (2) multiple chemotherapy, and (3) no treatment at all. No treatment 'proved a significantly better policy for patients' survival and for quality of remaining life.'"
Barry Lynes, The Healing of Cancer - The Cures - the Cover-ups and the Solution Now! - page 9
And this quote:

"A German epidemiologist from the Heidelberg/Mannheim Tumor Clinic, Dr Ulrich Abel, has done a comprehensive review and analysis of every major study and clinical trial of chemotherapy ever done. His conclusions should be read by anyone who is about to embark on the Chemo Express. To make sure he had reviewed everything ever published on chemotherapy, Abel sent letters to over 350 medical centers around the world, asking them to send him anything they had published on the subject. Abel researched thousands of articles: it is unlikely that anyone in the world knows more about chemotherapy than he.
"The analysis took him several years, but the results are astounding: Abel found that the overall worldwide success rate of chemotherapy was 'appalling' because there was simply no scientific evidence available anywhere that chemotherapy can 'extend in any appreciable way the lives of patients suffering from the most common organic cancers'. Abel emphasizes that chemotherapy rarely can improve the quality of life. He describes chemotherapy as 'a scientific wasteland' and states that at least 80 per cent of chemotherapy administered throughout the world is worthless and is akin to the 'emperor's new clothes'--neither doctor nor patient is willing to give up on chemotherapy, even though there is no scientific evidence that it works! (Lancet, 10 August 1991) No mainstream media even mentioned this comprehensive study: it was totally buried."
Tim O'Shea, The Doctor Within

Three major studies all came to the same conclusion: "orthodox cancer treatments" do not extend the "total life" of cancer patients. In fact, in many cases they shorten the "total life" of cancer patients.

Here is a prophetic quote about the future of chemotherapy and radiation:

"Twenty years from now we will look back at chemotherapy and radiation as [being as] barbaric as using leeches,"
Steve Millett, manager of technology forecasts for Battelle

Question #5
Question #5: Orthodox proponents claim that for some kinds of cancer, "cure rates" have gone up over the past 10 or 20 years. They claim this is just another proof that orthodox treatments are superior to alternative treatments. Do you agree?

Answer: Yes, some "cure rates" have gone up. This is the most damaging deception of all.

Suppose Company B makes some small improvements in their engines and the "total life" of their engines increases from 100,000 miles to 102,000 miles. Because of this, suppose the percentage of their engines that last 30,000 increases from 92% to 93%.

Now imagine the CEO of Company B makes the following announcement:

"The percentage of our car engines that last 30,000 has increased from 92% to 93%. This proves that Company B cars last longer than Company G cars."

Is the CEO right? Of course not, Company G engines still last 300,000 and Company B engines only last 102,000. It is an absurd claim. What the Company B executive has done is compare the "old" Company B cars to the "new" Company B cars. The CEO has not compared the "total life" of the Company B cars to the "total life" of the Company G cars.

That is exactly what the FDA does. When orthodox medicine says that "cure rates" have gone up, they are comparing their "old" 5-year chemotherapy stats to their "new" 5-year chemotherapy stats. They are not comparing the "total life" of orthodox treatments to the "total life" of alternative treatments or even the "total life" of those who refuse treatments.

Orthodox medicine is continually "improving" their treatments, all with a loud clarion blast of publicity. Their cure rates are always "going up" and a cure is always "just around the corner." But look at it this way. Company B can improve their engines to last 102,000, and 5 years later they can improve them to 104,000, and 5 years later to 106,000, and so on. In the mean time people who bought cars from Company G have cars that last 300,000, then 5 years later 305,000, then 5 years later 310,000, and so on. So when will Company B catch up to Company G? Never!!

But this sophisticated deception goes much deeper. "Cure rates" will go up if the cancer is diagnosed earlier! In other words, if the American Cancer Society convinces women to get mammograms (which are carcinogenic, by the way) more often, their Breast Cancer will be diagnosed earlier, on average, and the "cure rates" for Breast Cancer will go up! The cure rate did not go up because of some improvement in chemotherapy or radiation, but because women have carcinogenic mammograms more frequently!

There are many ways to manipulate the "cure rates" of orthodox medicine. My free, online eBook goes into this issue in much more detail.

In truth, the gap in "total life" between alternative cancer treatments and orthodox cancer treatments is greater than the gap between Company G cars and Company B cars. The Cameron/Pauling study proved that. But there are many alternative cancer treatments that have higher "total life" rates than Vitamin C therapy (based on current Vitamin C technology). In fact I would not put Vitamin C therapy in the "Top 100" alternative cancer treatments.

Orthodox medicine, by using sophisticated definitions and deceptive statistics, has convinced the public to believe that orthodox cancer treatments extend the "total life" of patients. But there is no scientific evidence for that belief!!

I want to emphasize that these deceptions were not developed by ignorant people who didn't know what they were doing. They are sophisticated, carefully designed statistical deceptions with carefully chosen terminology. A normal person would automatically think only about "total life," but the "total life" numbers are carefully hidden. More will be said about those doing the deception later in this article.

Let Us Count The Ways


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