Well I fed him a toast of Cottage Cheese and Flexseed Oil. I must say I eat some on a toast and its taste really good. :>). I am on the way out to but that COq10.
I need one my favor right quick from you guys >:) I am trying to prepare a time chart for him to follow each day. So I need your input on what times to give him his therpy.
One thing is able to get around find. It able to walk up the street to the store. And able to stay out. His main problem is pain in his should where the softball size tumor sits. His car is a five speed. But because of the location of the tumor. He is unable to drive (Switch Gears). So I take him everywhere he needs to go.
For the CS how much to you recommend in amounts? And how often?
To be honest with you. I am sad to see any one sick like this. But its fun to know he's under my (our) care. :>)