Well my friend I take 2 large serving of fruit consisting of 6 kiwis per day :) I also take many anti-oxidants at high strength:-
Grapeseed Extract 120mg
Vitamin A, C & E 10000IU, 2000mg, 800IU
CoQ10 120mg
DMAE 200mg
Ascorbyl Palmitate 500mg
Selenium 200mcg
Alpha Lipoic Acid 200mg
I also take structured water which acts also as a anti-oxidant because of its electrons which help fight free radicals. I drink this before and after food so the burn up process of a free radical is hindered. I also take many fresh vegetable and cook them correctly to give me maximum output like a carrot needs cooking for 500x the assumilation of beta-carotene and the more you lightly good a Tomato the more Lycopene is given off. Taking plenty of Onion also.
What you think of my protocol ? I Zap, drink 3x Ozone and 200ml Colloidal Silver a day on top of this with many other high strenght vitamins, minerals etc. WOW BRING IT ON MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT haha.