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dips62 Views: 1,832
Published: 21 y


I need some of you people out there to help me out on this condition of my close relative...
Sorry for the long posting...but then this is what explains our precise situation...

She had ovarian cancer because of which the doctors removed both her ovaries followed by chemo.(This was 10 years ago)
They however retained her uterus..and advised her to be on some HRT(estrogen and progesterone ) supplements..
She responded well to the treatment and was doing well and had her regular scans and CA-125 tests done .she was cured of ovarian cancer .(she was on HRT for almost 8 years)
Her scan and CA 125 test showed positive results..
Some of her scan report showed the presence of gallstones..but since she did not have pain or other discomforts ,doctors chose to ignore them.
Of late (A year ago)she used to get symptoms similar to severe acidity ...She went for her yearly scan which showed the presence on a lesion /tumour near the tail of the pancreas.Doctors pronounced it as cancer as well..and advised surgery followed by chemo...
But thrugh sources we came to know that surgery of pancreas is not only risky but also that the chemo on the pancreas is usually not very effective.
This was the time that we started to explore altenative therapies..
She was advised to stop the HRT.
She started homeo medicenes..which initially showed some regression.
but later and the lesion is back to the same size and remained that way for almost 6 -7 months(no metastatis)
Off late she has started to get severe pain in the epigastric region...
Our homeo doctor attibutes the pain to gallstones..
She did the Liver Flush 3 times till now..was able to get out some gallstones..
The recent reports showed 3 Gallstones remaining..and the pancreatic tumor as the same size.
She still is suffering from severe "discomfort"(as she explains)and severe pain all over her epigastric region and abdomen....
The pain surfaces almost every morning and lasts the full day sometimes..
On other days the pain takes the varying scale.....
we are unable to figure out if the pain is because of the Gallstones or the tumour or all combined..
Also she has started to feel because of the stopping of the estrogen and progesterone supplements..
Is there any other alternative herbal supplements for estrogen and progesterone????
She off late started taking wheat grass juice and follows a no meat diet(she takes only fish and egg)..

I feel we need a whole some remedy for all her problems
HRT , Gallstones and pancreatic tumour.
Please please please ....the experts out there HELP us to get over this problem ASAP..


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