Re: And were off!!
Hello pepika7pipi
My advice with health problems are my feelings so leaving them out would be difficult. Health problems as a topic is a very broad topic so im not sure what you are really asking.
I'm not trying to be difficult. I just want you to know this before I answer.
Heath Problems - Scratch that...
Problems - are lifes way of making living interesting and rewarding. Those that except problems and deal with them are often considered successful and lucky. Those that don't drown in their on misery, give up and wait for something to change. Proof of this is given by the actions recieved by the community of this site. Talk and people will answer. Sit and wait for the answer and you'll get bored.
Two example:
Luck - The lotto. "wish I could win." "lucky bastards" "what do they need the money for they are already rich" We have all said it and we have all heard it pluse many more. What did the lotto winner do that maybe I didn't do to make him/her lukier than me. For one he/she bought a lotto ticket! He/she put themself in a position for change where I just waited for it.
Success - is a journey of actions. You HAVE to make wrong choices before you learn which choice is the right choice in acheiving your goals. Along with this is the understand that moving on after the wrong choice is the success. It is when you don't continue that becomes your downfall.
As for your health. I have always said I have the imuune system of ten men. I guess that was true, but now my health as been taxed and I suppose those ten men are tired and need help. The way I am looked at helping my ten men is by having the ability to make my own decision based on my research and moving forward with that decision. Alternative medicine is not for everyone as western medicine is not for everyone. Possibly a combonation of the both is a perfect medical society.
My advice is to do what YOU KNOW, in your heart, will help you get better. Regardless of the medical practice chosen if you think you are incurable, you will continue to be ill. If think you will be cured you will be cured.
For me personally, I believe having a title and an association membership and a plaque on the wall does not make you an expert in your field. You could be. You also could not be. In a few weeks I will have behind me two major health issues in my life. One could only be dealt with the western way and one will be dealt with the alternative way. In both cases I know each in their own right was and is the right way for me. I will tell you though one of them is the easy way out because it allows you to sit back and wait for change. The other requires you to actually do something about it such as learn, make your own decision, to take action on that decision and to follow that action and desision to its completion.
Hope this is what you are asking, if not I may have looked into it to much...