Legionnaire's Disease
My husband has been diagnosed with Legionnaire's Disease. Anyone have first hand knowledge or experience with this disease?
Last week, he had the flu and he got over the flu, but a couple of days later, he lost all energy and I took him to the emergency room and was diagnosed with bacterial double pneumonia. He was immediately placed in ICU and then on Tuesday was placed on life support.
As of late yesterday afternoon, he is not needing the breathing machine as much and they may begin the process of slowly waking him today. He is still a very sick man and still in the critical stage, but I believe he will come out of this. (By the way, I am living in the ICU waiting room and have just come home for a few minutes.)
I remember well when Legionnaire's Disease first appeared back in the 70's infecting people through a/c duct work in a hotel in Philadelphia. Many people died. The doctor said that, in my husband's case, he was infected by standing water or some type of sprinkler system. In my yard, I have no standing water and I don't have a sprinkler system. However, he almost lives at the golf course and there is a pond and a sprinker system there......A couple of nurses have hinted that they believe it might be something Hurricane Katrina blew in......
Anyone with knowledge, please feel free to jump in and help. I believe in the power of prayer and feel free to jump in there, too.