Re: Amount of Malic Acid to take - does it take place of apple juice????
Just read your message. Are you taking Malic Acid instead of Apple Juice. I am insulin resistant and can't take the apple juice so the only thing I am taking before the cleanse is ortho- phos to help soften the stones. Maybe I could also do the Malic Acid.
I did the 1/2 cup olive oil, 1 lemon and 1 coke last week and only had a good bowel movement about 2 hours later. A clinic I know told me about this one and they said that 1/2 cup oil is more or less a mimi cleanse, it really should be 1 cup...
Last night I did the 1/2 cup olive oil, 1/2 cup lemon, grapefruit juice (but not freshly squeezed - could have been part of the problem)
Epsom Salts . Had a good bowel movement this AM, but didn't see stones. I will try it for the 3rd time and use fresh grapefruit juice.
I really feel that if I could keep my liver clean, it would help my
Sugar problem because I would be healthier with a clean liver. It would also help my hormones fluctuations because the hormones are dealt with BIG TIME in the liver...
Thanks for any information.