I did the gall bladder cleanse mid April and told my physician, whom I been seeing for 10 years. She said if it works keep doing it! She has ordered an ultra sound to look for "stones". I did pass about 50 tiny "stones" and some other stuff I had never seen b4! I have not had the nausea and severe pain since, except for having a flu in early May.
I have had Fibromyalgia for 10 years along with endometriosis and recurring H Pylori. My physician said she doesn’t have the answers in traditional medicine and is supportive of my pursuing alternative health avenues. I am fortunate in this.
My Chiropractor is the main support and guide in this process. He gave me the steps for the cleanse, along with much valuable information on my issues. I go for regular treatments and we have discussions each time. I intend to do the gall bladder cleanse in the fall on the advice of my Chiro.