I don't think that you should be down on yourself about this. Now that you feel differently about how the situation turned out, you can avoid similar situations in the future. If you felt a little attraction to him, big deal, it is pretty natural to be attracted to people other than your mate. I have been attracted to lots of men but find that the attraction usually fades pretty quickly. There are only a few that I have let myself get into a relationship with (always when I wasn't already in a relationship). But, you must realize that other people will find you attractive as well. This is natural. Attraction is the reason we are all here today. Attraction isn't wrong. If you had actually followed through, there may have been some wrongness to it, but only those in the situations can judge the rightness or wrongness. Now you will be better suited to judge similar situations. Accept what happened and move on. If you don't like that it happened, just promise yourself that something similar won't happen again. If we live our lives in regret, we limit ourselves. If we learn from our experiences, we grow.