Re: Chronic genital yeast infection, need help from women
Hi, if you really did have chronic Candida, the following extract from the newsletter of the National Candida Society of UK might be of interest to you.
"Trials: Results
In the last quarter, members trialled 2 products. The first product was LB12 food supplement. Each capsule contains 12 strains of live lactic acid bacteria, plus 10 vitamins, eight minerals, four acids and 18 amino acids. Donated by Osumex International.
This is obviously a very strong product. All triallers experienced severe die-off which came on within hours of starting to take the supplement. All triallers were confident that it was die-off. None of the triallers were able to continue with the product at full-strength.
About one-third of the triallers had to stop taking the product because of the severity of die-off. Their remaining capsules were reassigned to others. The rest of the triallers continued on reduced strength. Over half said that all of their symptoms decreased.
This is a very powerful product which should be taken with sufficient water to flush away the toxins, and/or perhaps should be preceded by a liver detox to lessen the symptoms of die-off.
If you have any questions or need more info, you can write to that email given and I will respond to you. For your further info, LB12 is the probiotic that I promote and sell.
I hope that this is useful info and might help you with your chronic Candida problem.
take care n keep well