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Grrr Views: 2,634
Published: 23 y
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One reason there are no sure-fire diagnostic tools for candida is that it is the "phantom" disease. By that I mean it is behind many of the popular (if you will) diseases that are prevolent today. Diabetes, MS, Arthritis, Obesity, Hypertension, ADD or ADHD, and a long list of others can be attributed to candida. If scientists were to come up with a diagnostic test to definitely detect candida/yeast overgrowth they would be literally jeopardizing their livelyhood and billions of dollars per year of profits by doctors and drug companies. Therefore, it remains a problem that does not want to be known. This is why I called it the "phantom" disease. If it weren't for independent researchers and a handfull of doctors who are "Genuinely" interested in their patient's health and well-being we may not know as much as we do about candida and the dangers to our health it causes.

So, the best way to find out on your own if you possibly have a candida/yeast condition is do a careful health history. Ask yourself questions like: Have you taken Antibiotics very frequently throughout your life? Or at all?? Have you ever been on birth control pills? How about steroid medications? Do you crave sweets? Pasta? Breads? Or carbs in general? Do you have chronic sinus or ear infections? Chronic colds or flu? Chronic GI upsets, i.e. indigestion, reflux, gas, bloating, diarrhea/constipation cycles? Do you have skin problems? Eczema, psoriasis, warts, rosacea, acne? Are you easily fatigued? Do you feel light headed, dizzy, 'fogged in'? Do you have trouble sleeping, or getting comfortable and staying that way? Do you have trouble concentrating? As with ADD or ADHD? Were you diagnosed with ADHD as a child? These are just some of the symptoms you may experience with candida/yeast overgrowth, and if you answered "YES" to some or all of these you most likely have it. All it takes is one course of Antibiotics to get it started. Then the symptoms begin and usually lead to doctors prescribing more Antibiotics to treat the symptoms caused by the last antibiotic. From there it becomes a vicious cycle, with each time getting progressively worse. It is a slow developing disease and can take years for it to show up as a major symptom. By that time it is likely deeply embedded in the joints, mucosa, muscles, and pretty much the whole body. Therefore it is very difficult to get rid of.

It is not impossible, however, as there are many resources available to help you get well. It is just too bad that the majority of doctors aren't included on that list of resources. I believe they are being kept in the dark about it just as we are. Doctors are controlled by the AMA and FDA and they are the ones who stand to lose the most by this "secret" getting out.

I hope I have provided some food for thought. If any of this information rings a bell with you it might be a good idea to start right away and limit your Sugar and carb intake. This is one major step in recovering from candida.

Good luck!


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