wow I was hoping to let the alcohol sit over night. Thats a long time to wait for a tincture. I guess I can make a tea out of it or blend the mixture of Wormwood cloves and walnut hull in a fruit drink until its time to use my tincture im assuming. BTW how effective is this compared to the use of alcohol. I notice they are sold in store alcohol free. There is indeed a lot to be learned.
Also I have seen walnut hull powder on the web and at health stores, should I not buy the powder and if not what should I look out for? Another question is how effective are the walnut hull capsules? And I should also look for the color of the walnut hull powder in capsules or powder before use..(this is a given)..How long are the hulls considered fresh?
lol sorry for all of the questions..I really want to cure all of the symptoms im facing now.