These products are so good and so many people are in need of them I couldn't even begin to tell you the lives that have been touched by them. A co-worker of mine was diagnosed with a large polyp and in between the diagnosis and the surgery, took the Colon Cleanse 1 and 2 and she only took them on the weekends and not very much of them either, she didn't really try very hard but when she sent in for surgery the Polyp was no where to be found.
My daughters ages 1 1/2 and 2 1/2 love Superfood by the spoonful, I think their little bodies just know what they need. We laughed so much at each other looking funny with blackened out teeth that now my 2 1/2 year old gets it off the counter and says "I want some jokes Momma!" I've been giving it to them with a little bit of honey to make it stick to the spoon as they really don't have the holding a spoon level thing down yet, they love it! Now that's a blessing.