I have a Friend name email at chrlgreen
Charles Green
1320 Popps St.
Duarte,Ca 91010
He has Agent Orange Spina Bifida
Fused Joints
He drinks alot of Diet Sodas, He is a Meat Eater
His Sickness causes him to be very Negative towards any better ways to help him, can you email Charles green Chuck he goes by at his Email above or Email his at chrlgreen@aol.com or Chrlgreen@gte.et or Chrlgreen@gateway.net He needs alot of Encouragement and help in believing you can suggest cures for most of his Problems is only he listens, send him your websites to, My name is;
Nathan g. Newcomb
3530 Damien ave 3227
La verne,CA 91750
(909) 593-0534
I Have CallWave Answering Machine too.