Re: Does the Master Cleanse help with Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is not a kind of problem that can always be solved in 8 days ...
The time needed to cure
Psoriasis is:
If your symptoms appeared 1 month ago, you may solve it in about 7 days.
If your symptoms appeared 1 year ago, you may solve it in about 1 month.
If your symptoms appeared 6 years ago, you may solve it in about 6 months.
If your symptoms appeared 12 years ago, you may solve it in about 12 months.
If you used medications during this time, medications may double the time needed to heal liver and intestines.
When you are healing psoriasis, you are not healing your skin. Symptoms on your skin are secondary in nature.
You first need to heal your liver, your intestines, and your inner organs and glands.
Once your inner body is cured and once your diet and your lifestyle are right, skin clears on it's own.
Master Cleanse may not be the answer for everybody, especially not for people who have problems tolerating lemon or maple syrup, like some people with serious candidiasis.