I've heard about oil sucking from a few different people. so I did a research on oil sucking.
and here what i found :
" Sucking oil" What is sucking oil and how does it work?
The therapie, which origins in Russia, is most effect-full, if practised with sunflower-oil from organic farming. Oil is chewed in mouth, pulled through the teeth for about 10 to 20 min. The oil is mixed with saliva and emulgates slowly into a milk- kind fluid. After chewing it has to be spat out again, because it binds all the toxic substances which have gathered in the mouth and throat area.
The Clou: the emulsion binds water- soluble and fat- soluble toxic substances. So sucking oil works on a clensing and on an excreting basis.
The indications for sucking oil are wide ranging:
respiratory tract: cough, bronchitis, cold, flew, asthma
mouth and throat: inflammation of the gum, gum bleeding, paradontosis, tonsillitis...
head: dry eyes, burning eyes, conjunctivitis...
heart and circulation: heart- rhytmen disorder, thrombosis, instabil circulation...
skin: eczema, neurodermitis, skin- irritation, acne, psoriasis...
digestion : gastritis, stomach- aches, colon- ulcer...
others : urinal-tract infections, caries, illneses due to fungus...
Why are the indications so wide ranging???
The continuing sucking- movement stimulates the thyme- gland (centre of immunity)
The saliva- glands do not only function as digestive organs, but also help to excret toxic substances (the blood-circulation is increased)
The chewing stimulates the lymph- streem. Lymph, especially in the head- area, depends strongly on the muscle- movement at the cheaks, temples, neck- region, etc…Lymph cleans the tissue and strongly influences the immunesystem...
Chewing keeps the larynx open, it works like a fine autogene drainige, mucus is loosened.
Can you use other oil?
Yes, but the sunflower oil is blessed with the whole power of the sun.
While chewing we pick up the light- energy- particles, the photons, which are stored in the poly- unsacchurated- faty- acids of the oil.
How to chew the oil:
2 or 3 times a day you slurp a teaspoon full of oil into your mouth. It is important that it is already here emulgated. After 10, but even better 20 min. you spit it out again and brush your teeth. Never