Treat psoriasis!!!
The cause of
Psoriasis has been known for some time, I had my doctor here in Canada, tell me it was related to the long protein chains in dairy products, by abstaining from these, wha La my
Psoriasis went away, but dairy is in everything, hard to avoid...
Also these long protein chains where whole and intact before pasteurization, which forces milk through a filter, breaking these chains up to thousands of pieces, all of which irritate the intestine lining, causing bleeding, and hence entering the blood stream.
And yes it has been a long deliberate poisoning of the population, and the creation of medical establishment, control and depopulation...
Inoculations were proven to cause mental and emotional disorder, if they did not kill you that is, thousands of Germans came to America after the war and became shrinks, jobs made to order.
A famous Family that will remain nameless, started the AMA with money and support, financed medical schools,and all training, started all foundations, including the Cancer Foundation, which lobbied Nixon when in office to put into law, only surgery, drugs, and chemo is effective against cancer, so by law now the Cancer foundation can not find a cure even themselves.
Money, Jobes, deliberate illness, de population of the planet, and control, of acceptable information sources, and Us..... it is the end times, the battle of light and dark... Darkness, dispare, gloom, fear.. is what they are selling, and they convinced us to even buy it too.... they will even lend you money.