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Re: alkaline/acidity
BethDogg Views: 2,063
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 325,683

Re: alkaline/acidity

I have to slightly disagree with shelley, but only slightly! :)

I have interstital cystitis, and I have completely turned around my condition with an alkaline diet. Now, what did I do differently? I can't ever do really acidic foods, even it they're supposed to make you less acidic in the long run (like citrus fruits, they are horrible on me too).

Basially, what I've found is that the more vegetables you eat, the less acidic you are. Green foods like Kyogreen are also helpful lowering your acididity, as are calcium, magnesium and zinc. Drinking water also helps. I have changed my urine and oral PH dramatically by doing only those few things.

I don't believe there is a scientific method of finding out what is "more alkaline" or not. If so, there should be a alkaline index, like the glycemic index. Personally, it's just easier to make sure I eat lots of veggies and do the other things on the above list. Hope that helped.



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