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Re: Gas not releasing
shelleycat Views: 2,088
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 325,624

Re: Gas not releasing

Hi Ram!

Sounds like your wife is a Vata Dosha like me. Gas is our major issue even when healthy! The main issue is eating foods that cause gas, not preparing foods in a way that minimizes gas, and a lack of stomach acids and friendly flora. So be sure to print out the guidelines for Increasing Digestive Power in the FAQ, and the Gas/Bloating post too.

She should consider taking in a bit of kefir and yogurt now and again to keep her friendly flora well populated, and a bit of lemon juice or Apple Cider Vinegar prior to big meals to aid stomach acids. Meals should be small and mostly cooked with pungent/carminitive spices. The only fluids she should drink are water, lemon/limeades, digestive teas, the Cleansing Drink (see FAQ for recipe). NO iced drinks or sodas. If she likes iced tea, get her to drink it almost lukewarm and with a slice of lemon. She should never follow a meat meal with a fruity dessert.

To deal with it when it happens, the best things to do to get it OUT of you is a combination of exercise (long walks, hiking up stairs), stretching (hurdlers, feet out front type or standing and bending over) and massaging the abdomen down from ribs and clockwise with hands and/or tennis balls.

Hope that helps! :)


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