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Results of Liver Flush-- Freaked Out!!
nimbledonkey7 Views: 1,290
Published: 21 y

Results of Liver Flush-- Freaked Out!!

Hi Shelley,

I just did the "Are you Stoned" Liver Flush and had some startling finds. Along with a few large and small stones there was what looked like a large piece of liver about 6 inches long and fairly thick. I know what liver tissue looks like and am certain it was nothing I have eaten due to its size.

I followed the flush strictly but instead of having a bowell movement in the middle of the night I vomited quite a bit. The b.m didn't occur untill the following day. I'll run down my day and hopefully you can tell me if this is a normal reaction or if need a doctor.

Breakfast (10:30am): Bowl of Oatmeal w/ apple and banana
Steamed Veggies

Drank the healing drink throughout the day minus the cayenne and maple syrup then stopped all liquids a half hour before flush. Besides that I had nothing but the olive oil and lemon juice. I feel fine except for feeling a little drained due to the fast and the vomiting. Have you ever heard of this occuring? I know that the liver can regenerate but it is kind of freaking me out. Should I be concerned? Thanks.



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