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pako Views: 1,307
Published: 21 y


What produces mucous? Why is it i never ran out of mucous in my throat? It started 2weeks after taking virgin coconut oil. But before the coconut oil, I already have some slight problems on mucous, everytime I bath or brush my teeth some mucous always develop on my throat, then everytime I'm in a cold place and start get anxious or nervous my nose starts dripping and my eyes gets irritated and produce tears, also in having BMs my nose starts dripping as soon as I sit on the toilet.


My problem now is the mucous in my throat is always there so I have to spit every now and then, sometimes its plenty and sticky sometimes its only few then sometimes there's few green in it but most of the time its just white.

And I have another questions about my abdominal muscle, its size is not proportion, the uppper-most left is much much bigger than the upper-most right, is it the liver? and there's more, a week ago I started taking p&b shakes for colon cleansing, days after I feel slight pains in my stomach-abdominal that only last for seconds then on the fifth day there was this unbearable pain in my abdomen it's like pressure or trapped gas but it's not, I felt like some organ in my body is going to be destroyed, it lasted for hours, I can still move but I don't want to because the pain is weakening me so all I do is lie sill then I became half sleep. It lasted for about five hours, but the first three hours is not as painful. The next day my back of my neck to my shoulder hurts, similar when body-building for the first time. Is it the liver or the intestines?

What produces mucous? Why is it i never ran out of mucous in my throat? It started 2weeks after taking virgin coconut oil. But before the coconut oil, I already have some slight problems on mucous, everytime I bath or brush my teeth some mucous always develop on my throat, then everytime I'm in a cold place and start get anxious or nervous my nose starts dripping and my eyes gets irritated and produce tears, also in having BMs my nose starts dripping as soon as I sit on the toilet.


My problem now is the mucous in my throat is always there so I have to spit every now and then, sometimes its plenty and sticky sometimes its only few then sometimes there's few green in it but most of the time its just white.


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