Re: Shelly/anyone - Dog care tips please
commercial dog food, the type that is in the grocery store, is truly awful. They actually use road kill in the mix! Feed him leftovers whenever you can, it's a nice way to round out their diet. They just cannot eat onions, beans, chocolate, really spicy stuff, or grape seeds. But otherwise they are pretty omnivorous and do well with a bit of veggies and fruit in their diet.
At the pet stores are better dog foods, check out Innova, Wellness. There's a raw food movement for dogs, mine get a combo of raw and cooked. You can buy cheap frozen ground turkey, defrost and serve with a bit of extra oil added and leftover veggies. Great meal for dogs.
vitamins are great, Pet-Tabs and C-Biotic are great.
It can take up to a year for a dog to adjust to a new place. It's wonderful seeing their personalities come out as they trust you more and more. Beware of getting a dog with huge paws and really defined, high hindquarters - they're usually jumpers and diggers and can bound right over the fence!