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Should I heat up or cool down to help acne?
thekat Views: 1,605
Published: 21 y

Should I heat up or cool down to help acne?

Hi Shelley, how do you think eating lots of spices affects acne? I've had a yellow tongue lately and from what I've read I figure it's down to excess heat inside me. I still can't decide out if I should eat spices to improve digestion or not eat them to cool my insides down.

The thing confusing me is, I'm a very cold person in general with cold extremeties. I have to wear socks and cardigans to bed! So do you reckon I am need cooling down or heating up?

My skin is spotty around my chin most of the time with a white tongue most of the time too. I'd really appreciate your opinion on how best to approach this. Thanks.



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