Hi Shelly, and everyone:
A day or two after a successful flush, the pain starts under my right rib cage. I do couple enemas until the pain subsides; as a result, more stones flushes out. But soon the pain returns. This has been the case in the last three flushes in the row, every week. So far, 15 out of 17 flushes have been moderate to awesome success. I don't mind flushing; as long as the stones leaving my body. Is it possible the pain is an indication of frequent flushing? But then, when you have a pain, the advice is to flush again. Is there a possibility the liver/gallblader gets damaged from the flushes? A brief background; I have done colon, parasite, and kidney cleansines. Candida is under control. I get puffy eyes, and sometimes mental fogginess. Any response is greatly appreciated.