I'm coping, thanks! :)
Oh Ivana I'm so sorry about your dogs! that is so heart wrenching, seeing our precious fur family members suffering like that! My best wishes go out to your furkids!
I had a nice hug from God and my Guides just the other day. I woke up extra early and had a very clear intuition that I just HAD to turn on the TV. I never watch daytime TV, it's just not my thing, but I could tell that this was a clear message that I was supposed to follow. So I turned on the TV and went to channel 2, figuring I'd move up the channels until I found what I was supposed to see.
Well, on channel 2 that morning they were doing a very inspirational story about a family who had a sick family member with bad kidneys just like me. His brother gave him one of his own kidneys and he was doing great, back to a very active lifestyle. The rest of the family was so inspired by the new lease on life that this very sick man received, that they decided to donate kidneys too! So two or three other kidneys were donated anonymously to other sick people.
Things like that just aren't coincidence, I don't care what the skeptics say. :)