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Re: candida epidemic
shelleycat Views: 1,053
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 324,905

Re: candida epidemic

Imbalance happens whenever nature's laws are ignored or tampered with. The main cause is broad-spectrum Antibiotics , but it isn't helped by the fact that we have started pasteurizing all our foods and killing the natural soil-based organisms so that we no longer get friendly microbes. Every culture used to eat fermented foods all the time, from clabber/sour milk to kefir to beet kvass to chutney to very aged meats and poultry, you name it!

Consider this. An American goes to Mexico and gets sick from the water that the residents drink all the time and do fine on. So obviously our "clean" living is hurting us, not helping, in the long run! but we are still so darned paranoid about the hidden danger of microbes that we obsessively kill our foods, nutrients, good microbes, until our immune systems no longer have the tools necessary to deal with the baddies.

Chlorinated water, refined sugar, overeating, all contribute to lowering our population of friendly microbes.


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