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Tired of doing the right things
Zule Views: 968
Published: 21 y

Tired of doing the right things


Shelley, I am so desperate that my health is an obstacle in my career and my life.

I asked some friends for help ( not here in curezone) and prayers.

One of them said that loneliness produces diseases. That all the stress I am facing is producing my diseases. She said: it is not that you are imgagining things but stress producess reduces the inmune system... bla bla

I am now very upset. I felt it was like saying that I am giving myself my diseases because the way aI live and behave.

I have felt the same judgment at the Health Center in the University.

It is like, your stress is giving you all your symptoms, and at some point it is like you are imagining the symptoms.

I am tired of all this. I am trying to do the right things but how is it like I need to avoid stress, eat right, have the right thoughts etc..

How can I avoid stress? Should I quit my PhD? Should I go out with my friends or should not? SHould I sleep more or not?

I am tired of doing the right thigns and still be judged. At my program (university) they have been very patient but I need to show results and have some progress. But I am so tired...

It is like I do not eat healthy enough, I do not exercise enough, I do not sleep enough, I do not work enough, I do not do enoug of whatever I need to do to be healthy, happy and sucsesfull.

I do not know how to overcome the feelings of not being good enought ant that that is the reason why I am alone, poor and sick.




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